Sunday, June 5, 2016

one day at a time

take it one day at a time
one day at a time
one breath at a time
in out in out in out inoutinoutin -
one day at a time

pull yourself together girl.
bite your tongue until the words no longer push their way out

tape together your damn broken heart.
reinforce it with steel beams so it will never be broken again

write your own damn love poem

because, look how beautiful your hands are.
when you wake up, your cheeks are roses
your eyes are constellations, and your skin is star dust

don't you forget it

maybe not today, but everything's gonna be okay

one day at a time
one day at a time

Sunday, May 22, 2016

act 12 : closing scene

i dont know what to say

it feels like everything i've ever done is in slow motion
up until now
i am a rock rolling down a hill gathering speed

and what they've always said is true
all ive ever wanted was less time in this school
and now i just want a little bit more time


it's time
become one
reach your peak

i have no idea what the hell im doing

this is my acceptance speech

thank you all for accepting me
thank you for listening
thank you for reading
thank you for writing and inspiring me to write
thank you nelson
thank you paris
thank you thank you thank you

i have too many words on my tongue
and the only ones that are escaping are these ones.

i wont forget about you

vivre paris

au revior

thank you

Sunday, April 24, 2016


last night instead of going to bed
i went to the park to swing on the swings.

because sometimes i feel an emptiness that can only be filled with car windows rolled all the way down and a heart to heart with the moon.

& i've been listening to music that reminds me of gray days and heartbreak
and everything just feels a little off.

i don't know how to say it
but nothing i write ever feels good enough.

& i cant get his floppy hair and goofy smile off my mind
& can someone please tell me how to get over something that never even happened

& i don't mean to sound sad, because i'm usually not

but i'm not ready for my life that hasn't even begun

my heart has nostalgia for things that haven't even happened yet.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

yo yo yo

hi, my name is erin.

i like long walks on the beach and
i mean i like long train rides and

i like long bike rides and late night talks.

and one time i pretended i was stuck in a tree 
and my mom had it cut down later

and i think that i'm the reason that my dog died
and it's kind of a long story

i like rainstorms and thunderstorms
but lightning scares me

and i don't really like milk and i don't know why that matters, but it does

hi my name is erin
 and my words are just trying to say what my heart can't

Sunday, January 10, 2016

love poem to poetry

my heart beats louder than the voices of 2500 teenagers. 

and i've never felt more alive

hands shaking like a 7.5 on the richter scale. 
mind racing faster than usain bolt

but I can't get you off my mind. 

and I wanted to say thank you, and i'm sorry. 

because last year I bought a ticket to Paris. 
I didn't speak the language, and the locals intimidated me. 

and #realtalk I was a tourist at times

and i'm sorry. and I don't know what I'm trying to say, 

but the words I wrote never felt good enough for you. 

so i sat at a table for one, pulled out my favorite pen, and I learned to love you. 

you taught me that writing can fix most things.

and that the other things can usually be fixed with crying and comfort food. 

and I don't know what I'm trying to say but my head is running out of breath and my heart is slowing down and i'm running out of metaphors. 

but I wanted to say thank you, and I'm sorry. 

thank you. and I love you.